Weather in Salt Lake has been really cold. It got down to (I think) well below -6 with the wind chill factored in last week and even though today felt like a warm day it was still a two-sweater-long-johns-under-pants-wear-gloves kind of day. I have this tiny little space heater in my office that I inherited and without it I think I'd just freeze at my desk! I sort of imagine it's a tiny little dragon-type monster breathing warm air on my feet. When it short circuits the incredibly old wiring of my plug and causes my computer to turn off, I then imagine that it's grumpy and tired. Oh the things we do to cope with both cold and obsolete electrical wiring.
Andrew is continuing to volunteer and is ramping up to start Biology classes at one of the local colleges this summer. He's learning a lot of neat things and one day he may or may not post about it (hmmmmm). I enjoy it when he tells me the back stories of the dogs he's working with at No Homeless Pets and how they are improving with time. Working for a non-profit organization myself, I'm well aware of how incredibly valuable volunteer time is and I can only imagine the kinds of impacts he's making for these animals.
The changes that have been happening at work may work out for the best. Today I was finally able to have a nice, long conversation with my new manager and I think I may be in love. You know, that kind of "All of the stress I have been experiencing for virtually no reason is dissipating because you are supportive of an emotionally healthy workplace in which I don't need to be afraid of losing my job at any moment" love that you so very rarely find.
There were a couple of other things I wanted to post about, but I'm suddenly terribly tired, so perhaps I will remember them tomorrow.